逍遥学能 2010-03-17 15:42
很多人问我我的中文是怎么学的,今天给你们讲点这方面的东西,用中英文结合呗。I started Chinese in college. 我当时发现我的发音比同学清楚点点。My teacher thought my pronunciation was good and encouraged me to go to China. So I came to China in 2000. 我参加了两年的强化培训班,在北京,哈尔滨还有南京。我刚来到中国的时候我遇到了我的美国同胞,一位学中文的美国女孩儿发现她的中文讲得跟中国人一样好。我问她有什么秘诀。她很直接地告诉我其实没有秘诀,就是要学习得比别人认真和经常跟本地人呆在一起。Itook her advice. I started to study really hard and to spend time witha lot of Chinese people. Now I have lived in China for 5 years. I spendmost of my time with Chinese people speaking Chinese. So now I oftenthink and dream in Chinese.
中国人学习英语有个很大的学习障碍,那就是缺少语言环境。这样的话,你们得找其他的方式弥补这方面。My 10 recommendations for how to study a language are as follows:
1). Study harder than anyone!!!
2).If you don't know the meaning of something, then look it up in thedictionary right away! Don't wait, always look things up as soon aspossible.
3).Chat online, it will help you form sentences, there are lots of placesto chat including on our AE message board atwww.51practice.com/www.aviliv.com.
4). Make English-speaking friends if you can.
5).VERY IMPORTANT - Don't be afraid to make mistakes!!! Just talk, talk,talk, talk! You will always make mistakes but the more you try, thequicker you will improve. 你的脸皮要很厚才行, 不怕错!
6). Don't forget the basics, speak slowly and clearly with good grammar and pronunciation.
7). Repeat yourself a lot. Tell the same story and slowly you will get better and better at saying it!
8). Be patient, give it time, it takes a long time to learn a language, so don't expect to be perfect right away.
9). Watch English movies, listen to English music, and very important - learn to sing English songs and sing them at Karaoke! 我刚开始学中文的时候我买了很多中国的音乐. 当时很不了解中国音乐就买了一个无印良品的盘,到现在我还能记得很多很多他们的歌词. 朋友觉得很奇怪为什么萧剑锋对无印良品的歌那么熟,哈哈!
10). And most importantly, watch Action English!!!
I hope that helps you guys! I will post more later!