jet lag是什么意思_jet lag在线翻译_双语例句

逍遥学能  2018-10-01 09:08

jet lag  
jet lag 基本解释飞行时差反应,时差感;
jet lag 网络解释

1. 时差反应:几乎每个人都有经验,当你遇到重大的压力(如考试或会议)、情绪上的激动(如兴奋或愤怒的事物)都可能会造成你当天晚上有失眠的困扰. 此外跨越多个时区的旅行,造成的时差反应(jet lag),也会对你到达目的地的前几晚睡眠有所影响.

2. 飞行时差:这现象称为飞行时差(jet lag). 飞行时差的一般征候是:身心疲倦,食欲不振,睡眠儿童最佳睡眠时间暂时失常. 飞行时差的困扰程度,因飞行方向而异;顺太阳方向(西行去欧洲)飞行时,飞行时差的困扰较少;逆太阳方向(东行去美洲)飞行时,

3. 飞行时差反应:这就是人会出现飞行时差反应(jet lag)的原因. 当你快速穿越几个时区后,你的身体可能处于不同的时区了,但你的体温节律却没有变. 褪黑素(Melatonin)是一种激素. 这种激素大部分由松果腺分泌,而少部分则在视网膜中产生. 褪黑素负责让你入睡,

jet lag 双语例句

1. Or you wake up, bleary with jet lag, in a city you've never seen before and feel you've come home.

2. Many business travelers try to deal with jet lag and the difficulty of sleeping on planes by taking prescription medications like Ambien, whose generic name is zolpidem.

3. I am sure, however, that jet lag will catch up with me tomorrow.

jet lag的近义词

4. Maybe it's jet lag from yesterday.

5. Do you have much trouble with jet lag?

jet lag

6. You know, with the jet lag and all.

7. No, I don`t think jet lag bothers me so much.

8. C. This is the result of jet lag and travel fatigue.

9. Scientists say more tests are needed to study the effects of jet lag on the brain.

10. Personally, at least for the moment, I'm not suffering from jet lag.

jet lag的翻译

11. He later blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag.

12. The effects of jet lag can be intensified by dehydration, tiredness, lack of sleep, lack of oxygen in the aeroplane cabin, alcohol and stress.

13. Now that we understand what Jet Lag is, we can go some way to overcoming it.

14. Now that we understand what Jet Lag is, we can go some way to overc oming it.

15. You can have a good sleep to overcome the jet lag.

16. When I travel, I sometimes have jet lag for days!

17. Yes, I have jet lag.

18. In this critically acclaimed bittersweet and highly entertaining comedy, director and co-screenwriter Danièle Thompson (Décalage horaire/Jet Lag) unpretentiously tackles the big themes of Life and Art.

19. Invented by Charles Ehret, an Argonne biologist whose career was devoted to the study of daily biological rhythms in a variety of organisms from paramecia to mammals, the Anti-Jet-Lag Diet has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers avoid jet lag.
发明由查尔斯ehret ,一阿贡生物学家,他们的职业生涯是专门研究生物节律,每天在不同的有机体从paramecia哺乳动物,反射流滞后的饮食,有助于数以十万计的旅客,避免时差。

20. Jet Lag is not a psychological consequence of having to readjust to a different time zone.

jet lag 单语例句

1. Golovin said she still felt a bit of jet lag after winning the first set, having only arrived in Western Australia state capital a day before the match.

2. Perhaps he is using some of his " method acting " to overcome jet lag.

3. Other reasons cited for popping pills were focusing on a specific task, and counteracting jet lag.

jet lag 英英释义

jet lag的解释


1. fatigue and sleep disturbance resulting from disruption of the body's normal circadian rhythm as a result of jet travel

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