逍遥学能 2010-03-06 02:19
1501. 工厂供电 Factory Electricity Supply
1502. 计算机控制技术 Computer Controling Technology
1503. 课程设计(接口) Course Exercise(Interface)
1504. 计算机概论与上机操作 Introduction to Computers & Practise
1505. 社会主义市场经济 Socialist Marketing Economics
1506. 当代资本主义经济 Contemporary Capitalist Economy
1507. 精密机械零件与机构 Precision Machinery Elements & Mechanism
1508. 光学工艺实习 Optical Technology Practice
1509. 光电探测及信号处理 Photoelectric Inspect & Signal Processing
1510. 激光实验 Laser Experiments
1511. 毕业实习 Graduation Practice
1512. 激光器件原理与设计 Principles of Laser Devices & Design
1513. 光电课程设计 Photoelectric Course Exercise
1514. 激光生物医学 Laser Biomedicine
1515. 激光与材料相互作用 Reciprocity of Laser & Materials
1516. 生物医学光子学 Biomedical Photonics
1517. 光纤原理与技术 Fibre Optical Operation & Technology
1518. 光纤通信技术 Fibre Optical Communication Technology
1519. 通信原理与技术 Principle of Communication & Technology
1520. 光纤实验 Experiments in Fibre Optical
1521. 外设与接口 Peripheral Equipment & Interface
1522. PASCAL语言 Programming in PASCAL
1523. 算法设计与分析 Algorithmic Design & Analysis
1524. 音乐基础理论 Basis Theory of Music
1525. 精读 Perusal
1526. 口语训练 Oral Training
1527. 英语听说训练 English Practice on Listening & Speaking
1528. 口语 Oral Training
1529. 语法 Syntax
1530. 文体学 Style Science
1531. 高级视听 Advanced Videos
1532. 英语学习技巧 English Studying Skills
1533. 报刊选读 Selected Readings of Newspaper & Magazine