逍遥学能 2014-02-22 10:42
I. 重点词汇
departure n.启程;离开
deposit vt.存入;寄存
desperate adj.绝望的;不顾一切的
devotion n.现身;热心
dial vt.拨(电话号码)
dilemma n.困境
dishonest adj.不诚实的
distant adj.遥远的
doom vt. 注定;判决
dove n.鸽子
drawback n.缺点
dull adj.阴暗的;呆笨的
dusk n.黄昏;
ecology n.生态;生态学
economics n.经济学
enclosure n.围地
encyclopedia n.百科全书
entirely全部地 adv.
equator n.赤道
ethics n.伦理学
evolution n.进化;发展
expedition n.探险(队)
expense n.花费;费用
exploration n.探险;探测
II. 重点短语
1. be in a desperate state 处境严重
2. be caught in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地
3.be distant from 离太阳很远
4. be dull of hearing 听觉不灵敏
5. form/send/take part in an expedition 组织/派遣/参加探险/远征队
6.at the expense 以….为代价
7.at sb’s expense 由某人付钱
8.at the extreme edge of 在…的极边缘
III. 佳句赏析
1 .On our departure from Tahiti, some of the crew took over the ship.
2. He has deposited a lot of money recently.
3. It’s too dark,too dull,and basically uninteresting.
4. As dusk fell,we seem to face an uncertain future.
6. Broadly speaking ,I would agree with Shirley,though not entirely.
8.He finished the job at the expense of his health.
9. He had his book printed at his own expense.
10. We must explore all the possibilities.
11. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall.
IV. 词汇练习
1.His failure made him (绝望)
2. I am in (完全)agreement with you.
3.I (存钱)ten dollars in my savings account.
V. 短语练习
1.Her son, to whom she was so , went abroad ten years ago.
A. loved B.cared C. devoted D. affected
2. His business was very successful, but it was at the of his family life.
A.fare B.fee C. expense D.charge
IV. 词汇练习
1. desperate 2. entire 3. deposited
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