
逍遥学能  2010-03-03 21:15


EX:La circulation est interrompue. 交通中断了。
EX:Mademoiselle Zhang 张女士 Nicolas Sarkozy  尼科拉 萨科齐  Monsieur le Ministre 部长先生
1.指人、地名、 国家、地名、姓名
EX: Maire 玛丽 Bruxelles 布鲁塞尔 la Belgique 比利时 l'Asie 亚洲 l'Orient东方 une Canadien 一个加拿大男人  Jean le Bon 好人约翰
EX:Junon 朱诺 Vénus 维纳斯 Dieu 上帝
EX: le Soleil 太阳  la Lune 月亮  la Terre地球
(以上在日常用语中不大写) travailler la terre 种地 claire de lune 月光 une place au soleil 向阳位
EX: l'Afique du Sud 南非  le Midi 法国南部 
(表具体位置不大写)l'est de la France 法国东部
EX: le ministère de la Défense 国防部  l'Ecole normale supérieure 巴黎高等师范学校  la Révolution fran?aise 法国大革命 la fête de P?que 复活节
6. 建筑物、船、飞机
EX: l'Arc de Triomphe 凯旋门 le Concorde 协和式飞机
为了强调,标题中的单词法语有时会全部大写,如:Les Grandes Vacances Finies, la Rentrée    
Scolaire Commence!




Capitalisation de titres et de noms en fran?ais

The capitalization of titles and names in French and English is quite a bit different. In English, the first word in the title and all subsequent "important" words (everything except articles, conjunctions, and prepositions) are capitalized. The rules are more complicated in French - so complicated, in fact, that I have been unable to find a definitive system. I have found various levels of support for the following three schools of thought.
I. Standard capitalization

 Here, capitalization depends on the position and importance of the words in the title.

 A. The first word is always capitalized.

 B. If the first word is an article or other determiner, the first noun and any adjectives that precede it are capitalized.

 Trois Contes Un Coeur simple

 Le Petit Robert Le Nouveau Petit Robert

 Le Bon Usage Le Progrès de la civilisation au XXe siècle

 C. If the title consists of two words or phrases of equal value, they are considered "co-titles" and each one is capitalized according to the above rules.

 Guerre et Paix Julie ou La Nouvelle Hélo?se

 This is the system that I learned in college and have used ever since. It is also used in Le Petit Robert, Quid, and throughout the Dictionnaire de citations fran?aises.


 Le Bon Usage briefly discusses an inconsistency in the capitalization of titles. It does not mention system I (above), but lists two others:

 II. Important noun capitalization

 In this system, the first word and any "important" nouns are capitalized.

 Trois Contes Un Coeur simple

 Le petit Robert Le nouveau petit Robert

 Le bon Usage Le Progrès de la Civilisation au XXe siècle

 Le Bon Usage states that system II is more common than III and uses it in its own bibliography.


 III. Sentence capitalization

 In this system, only the first word of the title is capitalized.

 Trois contes Un coeur simple

 Le petit Robert Le nouveau petit Robert

 Le bon usage Le progrès de la civilisation au XXe siècle

 A number of websites use this system, crediting it either to the MLA Handbook or to ? normes ISO ?. I was unable to find any official online documentation for either of these sources. On the spines of the several dozen French novels I own (mostly published by Folio), there is a fairly even distribution between capitalization systems II and III.

 Summary: Since even Le Petit Robert (the quintessential French dictionary) and Le Bon Usage (the French grammar bible) can't seem to agree about how to capitalize titles, it is clear that either there is no standard system or that the standard is not well known. Personally, I'm going to stick with what I learned in college. If you have any additional information or links to official documentation, please post on the forum so that I can add it to this lesson.

 Note: Of course, proper nouns are not affected by these capitalization systems; they always follow their rules as explained in my general capitalization lesson.


 IV. Capitalization of surnames

 French surnames are often capitalized in their entirety, especially in bibliographies and administrative documents.

 Gustave FLAUBERT Camara LAYE

   Antoine de SAINT-EXUP?RY


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