逍遥学能 2013-04-24 10:07
S1: It’s six thirty.
T: Yes, it’s half past six.将钟拨到6:50)What’s the tie?
S2: It’s six fifty.
T: Yes, it’s ten to seven. (将钟拨到6:45) What’s the tie?
S3.: It’s six forty-five.
T: Yes, it’s a quarter to seven.
2. 在学生已掌握时间表达法的基础上,教师将教具钟拨到相应的点钟并说It’s half past six. It’s
tie to get up.再将钟拨到6:45,问学生What tie is it?引导学生回答It’s a
quarter to seven.后,教师说Yes, it’s tie for breakfast. Let’s have
breakfast.引出What tie is it? It’s tie
3. 解释情境,说It’s Thursday today. David has a lot of
things to do. He’s busy. He has no rest.边摆手边装着休息状,引出单词rest。
4. 出示本部分三个场景的挂图,逐步呈现对话,让学生看图听录音,整体了解会话内容。引出、学习本部分单词、词组以及相关句型。
5. 听录音,学生模仿、跟读会话。
E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固
1. 学生小组内分角色朗读会话。
2. 学生小组汇报朗读会话。
3. 小组推荐组员到台前用所学语言描述图片内容。
4. 学生小组内看图说话。
The Second Period
一、 内容:B Look, read and learn
1、 进一步掌握句型What tie is it? It’s….
2、 能正确地掌握含有past和to的时间表达法。
A Listen to a rhye 听本课的歌谣两遍,边听边用手打节奏。
B play a nuber gae
C Revision
1. 出示A部分会话投影片,看图进行师生会话。
2. 学生看图进行小组会话。
D Presentation and drill
1. 出示钟,教师What tie is it? It’s….分别引出含有past和to的表示时间的词组。
2. 引导学生观察含有past和to的表示时间的词组,体会、发现past和to的用法。
3. 学生小组内练说含有past和to的表示时间的词组,使学生尽快掌握此类时间表达法。
4. 出示几点一/三刻的钟面,师生问答What tie is it? It’s a quarter past/to…
5. A gae:教师拿出事先准备好画有各种不同时间钟面的投影片,如6:30,6:35,
E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固
1. 游戏:抢答比赛。
2. 学生听B部分录音,跟读单词。
3. 游戏活动:听听、画画、写写。
1、 朗读并抄写本课四会单词
2、 课后认认钟,用英语向家长、同学汇报时间。
The Third Period
一、教学内容:C部分 Ask and answer
1. 复习本单元所学词汇。
2. 进一步掌握句型What tie is it? It’s….
3. 掌握句型It’s tie for….。
四会掌握句型What tie is it? It’s…. It’s tie for….。
1. 准备C部分出现的图片。
2. 在黑板上预先写好课题Unit 7 After school。
A Listen to a rhye 听本课的歌谣
B Free talk 师生交流
What tie is it?
C Revision 复习
1. 出示A部分会话投影片,看图进行学生会话。
2. 投影出示部分时间,让学生看图快速认读。
3. 看图学生分层次拼读本课四会单词。
4. 听写本单元部分四会单词、句型。
D Presentation and drill新授和操练
1. 运用教具钟拨不同的时间组织师生连锁问答。
T : What tie is it?
S1.: It’s ten past one.
S1.: What tie is it?
S2.: It’s twenty past five.
S2.: What tie is it?
S3.: It’s a quarter to nine.
2. 教师出示C部分图片,继续组织师生问答,在学生回答What tie is it?
It’s….后,教师引导学生根据画面内容用It’s tie
3. 小组学生汇报练习情况。教师抽查三到四组。
E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固
1. 分小组分别由学生自己挑选其他三幅图的内容,自由练说。
2. 各小组汇报练说结果。
3. 分小组朗读各图内容。
4. 学生摹仿、书写句型。
The Fourth Period
Look and say
1. 复习本单元所学词汇。
2. 复习现在进行时句型。
3. 听懂、会说、会读并理解句型I want to….Do you want to join e?
四会掌握句型I want to….Do you want to join e?
A Listen to a rhye and learn to say it.A clock。
B Free talk
C Revision 1. 读本课四会单词。然后进行默写。
2. 出示A部分会话投影片,看图学生进行会话。
3. 运用句型What tie is it? It’s….It’s tie for….组织师生问答。
D Presentation and drill
1. 教师口述示范句型I want to play cards. .Do you want to join
2. 学生小组内模仿造句。
3. 小组汇报各组所造的句子。
4. 教师出示D部分图一,与一个学生示范图中会话内容:
S: I want to play cards. Do you want to join e?
T: No, I’ doing y hoework.
5. 教师重复No, I’ doing y
6. 根据图片内容进行师生会话。
E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固
1. 选择D部分图片内容,自编会话,进行表演。
2. 分小组表演会话。
Hoework 编写D部分会话在作业C本。
The Fifth Period
E部分 Look and read, F部分Look and guess, G部分Listen and repeat
1. 通过复习,能较熟练地掌握本单元所学的词汇。
2. 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语和句型。
3. 听懂、会说、会读并理解E部分 Look and read。
4. 了解元音字母组合ar在单词中的读音。
5. 能熟练诵读本单元出现歌谣。
能正确地运用句型What tie is it? It’s….It’s tie for…. I want to….Do
you want to…?
A Learn to say a rhye
Do you like y house?
B Free talk
C Revision
1. 出示B部分词汇图片 , 读单词。
2. 复习A部分会话
D Look and read
1. 教师出示E部分Look and read图片, 指导学生看图。
2. 教师边指导学生看图边组织师生问答What tie is it? It’s a quarter to
seven/eight/half past eight/twenty to twelve/ten to six/nine。
F Look and guess。
2. 学生根据本部分插图中的示范在小组内开展游戏活动。把学生分为三人一组,其中一个学生挂着一个设有时针的钟面,用左右手分别表示时针和分针。另一个学生做动作,让其他学生猜他们所演示的时间和动作,如She
rides a bike at ten to three.
G Listen and repeat.
1. 出示单词卡片car, park, party, star,让学生认读。
2. 让学生体会单词中的共同音素。
3. 学生听录音跟读单词和句子,教师通过表情、手势让学生体会该句的意思。
4. 做单词辨音题目。
Hoework 听录音跟读本课所学内容,要求学生能够根据本课所学句子和日常交际用语进行自编会话。
5B Unit 8
本单元教学内容围绕"周末活动"展开,通过周末活动引出本单元的四会内容和昆虫类名称。涉及的句型有How do you
spend your weekends? How does he/she spend his/ her weekends?
1 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组talk, weekend, very, learn fro, sport,
often, of course, catch, an ant, a bee, a butterfly
2 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 How do you spend your weekends? How does
he/she spend his/ her weekends? I often ... Soeties I ...
3 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语和句型 I can learn a lot fro it. Of course, I
4 了解字母组合ee在单词中的读音。
5 会诵读歌谣 We kno
The First Period
一、教学内容:A部分 Read and Say
1 能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。
2 能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语。
3 初步掌握会话中出现的四会单词和句型。
A Listen to a song 听歌曲 We kno
B Free talk 师生交流
C Revision 复习
1词汇复习---go swiing/ clibing/ jogging, play football/ basketball,
play the piano/ violin, go to the park/ cinea, watch TV, play chess ...
D Presentation and drill
Ask:What do you do on Saturdays and
(学生回答) I play football.
教师接着说:How do you spend your weekends?
Oh, you often play football at the weekends. 新课标第一网
然后教师指着星期六和星期天对学生说 weekend, at the weekends,
跟读模仿单词weekend, at the weekends 及句型How do you spend your weekends?
2 教师在挂历的大部分周末处画上足球,剩下的画上TV---T : How do you spend your
weekends? 启发学生回答: I often play football. Soeties I watch TV.
通过直观的图示使学生了解often 和soeties 的含义。
3 操练:How do you spend your weekends?
I often ... Soeties I ...
4 T: Look. This is Wang Bing. xkb1
How does he spend his weekends? He likes surfing the Internet.
I likes surfing the Internet, too.
I think it's very interesting.
I can learn a lot fro it. I can read novels,learn English on the Internet.
What do you think of it?
引出单词very, learn fro,.
5 教师接着介绍课中人物的周末活动,然后问:How does he/she spend his/ her
weekends? 通过手势、表情让学生理解该句的意思,引导学生用He/ She often ... 和 Soeties
he/ she... 回答,板书学习单词sport, catch, of course
6 让学生分层次练说句型How does he/she spend his/ her weekends? He/ She
often ... 和 Soeties he/ she...
7 让学生看图、听录音,整体理解对话。
E Practice reading
Hoework: Copy the neords and phrases
Practice reading Part A
The Second Period
B部分 Look, read and learn C部分 Ask and answer
1 通过复习能正确熟练掌握A部分会话,并能表演对话。
2 能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语进行交际活动。
3 熟练掌握B 部分 Look, read and learn中出现的四会单词。
A Listen to a song 听歌曲 We kno
B Free talk
C Revision Listen and act---学生听教师口令边说、边做动作,复习
D Presentation and drill
1 出示B部分单词的图片,让学生看图,教师可引导学生谈论图片,
如:Look at y pictures. There are any insects. Look, this is an ant.
It's lovely. Do you like it?
2 教授单词an ant,
3 同样方法学习其余七个单词
5 游戏活动:What's issing?
E Practice and consolidation.
1 竞赛活动:学生看图,分组认读、拼读单词,看哪组说得又快又准确。
2 小组活动:Do a survey-
Do you like...? Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
The Third Period
一、教学内容:C部分 Ask and answer
1 复习本单元所学词汇。
2 掌握句型How do you spend your weekends?
I often ...
四会掌握句型How do you spend your weekends?及其回答I often ......
A Learn to sing ---学唱歌曲 We kno
B Free talk 师生交流
C Revision 复习
1 出示本课对话投影片,师生看图问答。
2 学生看图小组内表演对话。
3 出示本单元单词图片,让学生看图认读单词,复习所学的词汇。
D Presentation and drill 新授和操练
1 出示几组图片,让学生根据图片内容边做动作,其余学生根据其动作说出该动词词组,可在小组间进行竞赛,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2 教师做出弹琴的样子说:I like playing the piano. I often play the piano
at the weekends. How do you spend your weekends? 引导学生回答 I
often ...
3 师生问答,运用How do you spend your weekends? I often ...句型。
4 竞赛活动:连锁操练---一个学生边做动作边说I often ...然后问另一个学生How do you spend
your weekends?依次类推进行问答练习。
5 出示C部分第一幅图,教师与一个学生示范,然后其他学生在小组内模仿、练说。
6 小组汇报表演。
7 教师指导学生进行笔头练习--- How do you spend your weekends? I often ...
E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固
1 小组活动:运用How do you spend your weekends? I often ...
Hoework: 看C部分图片造句。
The Fourth Period
D部分 Look and say
1 复习本单元所学对话和词汇。
2 学习并掌握句型How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?及其回答He/ She
often ... Soeties he/ she ...
四会掌握句型How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?及其回答He/ She
often ... Soeties he/ she ...
A Learn to sing a song :We kno
B Revision
1 出示本课对话投影片,学生看图用英描述。
2 学生表演对话。
3 出示图片,让学生看图快速认读单词,复习所学的词汇。
C Presentation and drill 1
全班提问How do you spend your weekends?
个别学生一个造句另一个做动作 I often... 教师在他们回答后问全班:How does he/ she
spend his/ her weekends?引导学生回答He/ She often ...
2 教师示范句型,边说边板书:How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends? He/
She often ... Soeties he/ she ... 通过动作、表情让学生理解并让学生学说。
3出示投影片, 指导学生看图,谈论图片, 分层次让学生练说
4How does he/ she spend his/
her weekends? He/ She often ... Soeties he/ she ...
(1)学生小组内模仿句型、练说, 然后小组汇报。
(2)教师指导学生进行笔头练习--- How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?
He/ She often ... Soeties he/ she ...
D Practice and consolidation
Play a gae1:做做、猜猜---请一个学生到台前表演动作,第二个学生背对着第一个学生,全班提问How does he/ she
spend his/ her weekends? 让第二个学生运用He/ She often ... Soeties
he/ she ...句子猜一猜。
The Fifth Period
E部分 Read the passage, F部分Think and guess, G部分Listen
and repeat和H部分 Sing a song
1 通过复习,能较熟练地掌握本单元所学的词汇.
2 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语.
3 听懂、会说、会读并理解E部分 Read the passage.
4 了解字母组合ee在单词中的读音。
5 能熟练表演唱本单元出现歌曲。
能正确地运用句型How do you spend your weekends? I often... How
does he/ she spend his/ her weekends? He/ She often ...
Soeties he/ she ...并能在具体情景中以口、笔头形式进行交流。
A Sing a song
B Free talk 师生交流
C Revision
用本课所学句型How do you spend your weekends? I often... How
does he/ she spend his/ her weekends? He/ She often ...
Soeties he/ she ...调查周围同学的周末活动。
D Read the passage
2 让学生边听录音边看图,理解整篇短意思。
4提问 :How does the boy spend his weekends?
What can ants do?
What can fireflies do?
Which insects do you like?
What do you think of insects?
E Listen and repeat新 课 标 第 一 网
1 出示单词投影片,让学生认读bee, see, sleep, tree这四个词。
2 体会字母组合ee在单词中的发音,增加一些单词,如:teeth, feet, weekend
3 句子,并让学生听录音跟读,朗读时注意句子的节奏
I can see soe bees sleeping in the tree.
F Think and guess
G Sing a song---表演唱本课的英歌曲 We kno
Hoework:运用句型How do you spend your weekends? I often...How does
he/ she spend his/ her weekends? He/ She often ...Soeties
he/ she ...写作上传至学校的特色栏。
5B Unit 9 The English Club
重点学习句型Where are you fro? Do you speak….? 及其答语。
1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a visitor ,a country, UK, visit, British,
the Great Wall, USA, Aerican, Australia, Australian, Japan,
Japanese, France, French。
2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where are you fro?
I’/He’s/She’s/It’s/We’re/They’re fro…. Do you
speak…?及其答语Yes, do ,I speak…,too, No, I don’t, I speak….
3.能听得懂、会说、会读、日常交际用语及句型Are you fro different countries? I’d
like to go around China。
4.了解元音字母组e a在单词中的读音。5.会诵读歌谣Coe here and eet us, please。
1.能听得懂、会说和会拼写单词a visitor, a country, UK, visit, British, the
Great Wall, USA, Aerican, Australia, Australian, Japan,
Japanese, France, French。
2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where are you fro?
I’/He’s/She’s/It’s/We’re/They’re fro…. Do you speak…?及其答语
Yes, I do ,I speak…,too. No, I don’t, I speak…。
第一课时学习A部分Read and saywwxkb1
第二课时学习B部分Look, read and learn
第三课时学习C部分 Ask and answer
第四课时学习D部分Look and say和H Say a rhye
The First Period
A部分Read and say
3.初步掌握会话中出现的日常单词。A visitor. A country. UK. Visit. British. the
Great Wall, USA. Aerican. Australian,和句型。
Step 1:War up1. 听a rhye:Coe here and eet us,please。
2.师生课前自由会话,引出Where are you fro? I’ fro ….
Step 2: Revision 1.
运用自己的生活照片导入新课。 y nae is …I’ …I’ fro …
Step 3resentation
1. 教师进行示范性自我介绍y nae is…I’ fro China. I’ Chinese. I speak
Chinese and English.然后问班级里台湾学生Who are you? Where are you fro?使他或她进行自我介绍。
逐一指着他们并说He/She is fro the USA/the UK/FRANCE. He/She speaks English/French.
最后指着黑板上的三个人说They’re fro different countries.
3.教师让一位女生戴上Nancy的头饰,问Who are you?
通过I’ fro London.引出句型She’s fro the UK. She’s British.引出单词British并进行教师告诉学生Nancy speaks English. Do you speak English, too?并引导学生思考,板书句型Do you speak English?并领读
4.教师 自戴r. White 头饰,引出地名New York.然后告诉学生I like China. I’
visiting Nanjing.引出visit一词,再说I’d like to go around China. I want to visit Xi’an, the Great Wall and Suzhou.
5.出示课,告诉学生r. White is visiting Liu Tao’s school.
He iss a visitor.引出visitor 一词。
Step 4: Practice reading
Step 5: exercise:fill in the issing words of the passage.
Hoework: 1\copy the neords and sentences
The Second Period
一、教学内容: B部分
1. 三会掌握词汇:Chinese, fro
2. 四会掌握词汇:China, UK, USA, Australia, Australian
3. 进一步掌握句型 Where are you fro? I’ … Do you speak…?
1. 掌握四会单词:China, UK, USA, Australia, Australian, Japan,
Japanese, France, French
2. 进一步掌握句型 Where are you fro? I’ … Do you speak …?
Step 1:War up
1.听读a rhye:Coe here and eet us,please。
Step 2:Revision
Step 3resentation
1.上述师生问题的方式运用图片或教学片引出三会和四会单词词组:Where are you fro? I’ fro
China. I’ Chinese. Where is he/she fro? He/She is fro
Australia. He/She is Australian.
2. USA, UK, France, French, Japan, Japanese 的引出方法同上。
Step 4: Practice
Step 5:Consolidation
I’ fro… I’ … 句型描述,看哪一组粘得多,说得快。
Step 6: hoework
The Third Period
一、教学内容: C部分 Ask and answer. D部分
二、教学目标:1. 复习本单元的所有词汇。
2. 四会掌握句型 Where are you fro? I’ fro … I’ …
Do you speak …? Yes, I do. I speak … , too. No, I don’t. I speak …
三、教学重、难点1. 四会掌握句型 Where are you fro? I’ fro … I’ …
Do you speak …? Yes, I do. I speak … , too. No, I don’t. I speak …
Step 1: Revision
如:I’ fro Japan. I’ Japanese. I speaapanese.
Step 2 presentation and practice:
2.教师出示本部分内容学习卡片,师生问答:T: Where are you fro?S: I’ fro China.
I’ Chinese. 3.学生同桌操练。
Step 3:Presentation
1. 教师继续出示挂图,师生问答引出本部分句型
T: Do you speak English?
S: Yes, I do. I speak English, too.
T: Do you speaapanese?
S: No, I don’t. I speak French.
2. 教师板书四会句型。
3. 学生朗读四会句型。
Step 4:Practice
1. 师生问答操练句型。
2. 学生同桌操练。
3. 教师提供内容,小组扩展练习。
4. 台前表演。
Step 5: Say a rhye: Coe here and eet us, please:
Step 6: Consolidation:
猜谜游戏:应事先准备好国家旗子的图片,让一位学生拿着准备好的图片上台,应用所学句型让其他同学猜。Do you speak …
? 如猜对说,Yes, I do.如猜不对说,No, I don’t.看哪一组猜得又对又快。
The Fourth period
1. 复习本单元所学的词汇和句型。
2. 能在老师指导下正确理解和记忆该篇的内容。提高学生的朗读和阅读理解能力。
3. 能在理解、记忆的基础上,模仿该篇内容并简单地介绍自己地同学。
4. 能初步了解字母组合。ea在单词中的读音。三、教学重、难点:正确理解和记忆该篇的内容,并能实际运用。
Step2:Presentation and practice
1. 通过以上复习句子 I’ fro…. I speak English and
Chinese.等句子。并对单词teach, priary, a housewife, a story, hi稍作解释。
2. 先指导学生看图,完整听录音两遍,理解课大意。
Step 3 listen and repeat
1. 学生听录音跟读eat, ice-crea, read. sea这四个单词。
2. 结合字母结合ea的读音,教师引导对所学知识归纳整理
如,repeat, please, peach, clean, tea, teach, teacher等。
3.朗读句子He’s reading a book and eating an ice-crea in the sea.
Step 4:Consolidation
本部分是一个棋类游戏,在学生丢骰子下棋的过程中通过看看、玩玩、说说、比比的方法,复习句型Where’s he/she/it
fro? Is she/he/it fro…? What country is it?及其答语。
Step5,listening part
Unit 10 Review and check
Period 1
2、复习What day is it today? What’s wrong with you? I’ve got… How do you feel now?等日常交际用语;
Step1 Sing a song
Wish you are happy everyday
Step 2 Free talk
1.How are you?
2.What’s the weather like today?
3.Where’s the …? / Where’re the …?
4.How any…can you see in/on the…
S: I can see….
5.I’ve got a …What about you?
S: I’ve got….
6.(1) T: What’s wrong with e?
S: You’re…/ You’ve got a….
(2) Ss do soe actions.
T: What’s wrong with you?
S: I’ve got…
T: Here’s… for you. /I can get…for you. How do you feel now?
S: …
Step3 Review the words
1.Gae: What word is it?
(1)It’s a kind of lesson/ hobby/ sport/ disease.(2)Chant: I’ ill
2.Do and guess
(1)teacher does soe actions and students guess, then spell.
(2)students do and students guess.
3.Song: Hobbies
Step 4 Sentence pattern
1.Ask and answer
(1)T: What lessons/hobbies do you have…?
How any lessons/hobbies do you have…?
Ask several Ss.
(2)Ask soe other Ss:What lessons/hobbies does he/she have…?How any lessons/hobbies does he/she have…?
(3)Gae: listen and reeber
2.同法操练句型Do you have a/any…?Does he/she have a/any…?
(1)S2: Do you have…? S1: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.
(2)Ss ask and answer in pairs: Does he/she have…?
4.Listen and do
(1)T gives Ss soe directives, then Ss do.
Eg: Put your hands on your head, please.
Jup up and down three ties, please.
(2) Ss say and do in pairs.
(3) Book P78: say out these pictures then fill in the blanks.
Step 5 Hoework
Period 2
Do soe exercises
3.复习U7--U9四会句型Where’s he/she/it fro?; How
U7--U9四会句型Where’s he/she/it fro?; How do/does…?时间的表达等。
Step 1 Chant:
Step 2 Free talk
1.T: What day is it today?A I speak loudly?
Do you like … Can you ….?What… do you /does he/she have/like?How any…do you/does he/she have?
2.Are you ready for class?
(1)T: How do you spend your weekends/holidays?
T asks soe other Ss: How does he/she spend his/her weekends/holidays?
(2)出示人物及事物图片:How does he/she spend his/her weekends/holidays?
3.T: Are you fro different countries?
Where are you fro?
Step 3 Words and sentences
1.出示图片 T: What insect is it? Guess!
Ss guess then spell the word.
T: What country is it?
T: Where does he/she/it fro?
Ss guess then spell the word.
4.Book P81 Look and talk
Step 4 About tie
Play a gae:Guess what’s in the box?
T: What tie is it?/What’s the tie?
Ss: It’s…
T: Is it tie to/for…?
Ss: Yes/No. It’s tie to/for…
2.Change the tie on the blackboard.
Ss ask and answer in pairs.
Step 5 Exercises on the book
1.Look, read and write
(1) Read these sentences fro a to h
(2) Look at the pictures fro a to d, then fill in the blanks.
(3) Look at the pictures fro e to h, then fill in the blanks.
(4)Say about these pictures.
2.Look, read and coplete
(1)Look at the pictures and the dialogue first.
(2)Soe questions about the
(3)Ss fill in the blanks
(4)Read and check
Step 6 Hoework
Review U7--U9
Step 1 Sing a song: Do soe exercise with e
Step 2 Review soe words
1.T: What insects do you know? Can you spell?
2.T: How any countries do you know?
What are they?
Can you spell?
Step 3 Ask and answer
1.What tie is it?
2.句型How do/does…spend…weekends?
Ss: How do you spend your weekends?
He/She: (do actions)How do/does…spend…weekends?
Ss: He/She often…
Free talk
Step 4 Exercises on the workbook
1.Listen, nuber and write
(1)Look at the pictures first
(2)Nuber and write
2.Listen, read and judge
(1)Look at the picture and read the six sentences
3.Look and write
(1)T asks soe questions about these pictures to help Ss understend.
(2)Fill in the blanks.
4.Look, read and coplete
Ss do it by theselves.
5.Put the words in the correct order
Ss do it by theselves.
6.Read and answer
Ss read it first, then write down the answer.
Step 5 Hoework