
逍遥学能  2016-03-23 13:52

安慰失恋朋友的句子_伤感句子 失恋算个啥?轻轻的,你走吧,千万别后悔,因为只要你一挥手,就会发现,已经有那等不及的意中人,正偷偷摸摸拉你的手! Lovelorn what? Gently, you go, never regret, because as long as you a wave, can discover, already had the wait sweetheart, is in a sneaky way to hold your hand! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 说分手的时候不要吵闹。毕竟两个在在一起那么久,分了他也会难过,只是他比较明智,不想束缚你的或他的明天。好聚好散,以后,还是朋友。 Don't say good-bye. After all, the two together in so long, divided he also will be sad, but he is more sensible, don't want to tie you or him tomorrow. Good, later, or a friend. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 四别说你最爱的是谁,人生还很长,谁也无法预知明天,也许你的真爱还在下一秒等着你。 Four don't you love who, life is still very long, who also cannot predict tomorrow, maybe your true love is waiting for you.(伤感句子 www.weimeidejuzi.com) 虽然工作较累,心里可别憔悴;虽然房子较贵,流汗可别流泪;虽然常常失恋,万念可别俱灰;为防食欲不振,快用笑话开胃! Although the work is tiring, but don't gaunt; although the house is more expensive, sweat can not shed tears; although often lovelorn, Mannen don't be broken; to prevent loss of appetite, fast joke appetizer! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 梯子的梯阶从来不是用来搁脚的,它只是让人们的脚放上一段时间,以便让别一只脚能够再往上登。 Ladder ladder are never used to feet, it just makes people 's feet for a period of time, in order to let a foot to go on board. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 通过云端的道路,只亲吻攀登者的足迹。 By the way, only to kiss the climber's trail. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忘了那些不高兴的事吧!连上帝都认为忧伤和烦恼是不属于你的。努力让自己走出来,你会看到明天的太阳比今天更温暖!明天的天空比今天更蔚蓝! Forget those unhappy things! Even the God that sadness and annoyance is not belongs to you. Trying to get out of their own, you will see the sun tomorrow better than today tomorrow than today! The sky more blue! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 望远镜---可以望见远的目标,却不能代替你走半步。 Telescope - can see far, cannot take the place of you take half step. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我们每个人是可以被打-倒的,但任何人也阻止不了我们从地上爬起来,亲爱的朋友,让我们把心态调整好,积极面对内心与外界,重获新生吧! Each one of us can be up - down, but no one can stop us from the ground up, dear friends, let us take a good attitude adjustment, positive face inside and outside, the rebirth! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我们这个世界,从不会给一个伤心的落伍者颁发奖牌。 We are the world, never give a sad falling behind the awarding of medals. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我也很难过,我能帮上你什么忙吗?如果什么时候需要我,尽管打电话给我,好吗?我会陪着你,也会让你有个可靠的肩膀可以伏在上面哭泣。 I'm sorry, can I help you? If you ever need me, just call me, okay? I will accompany you, will let you have a reliable shoulder cried on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我知道你的麻烦,心情可能也不舒畅,做一些自己感兴趣的事吧!把烦人的事慢慢地淡忘,让痛苦烦闷逐渐减弱、消退,相信你的心情会变得开朗起来。 I know your troubles, the mood may not comfortable, do some interesting things! The annoying thing slowly forgotten, let the pain subsided gradually weakened, boring, I believe you will feel cheerful. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 五说分手的时候不要吵闹。毕竟两个在在一起那么久,分了他也会难过,只是他比较明智,不想束缚你的或他的明天。好聚好散,以后,还是朋友。 Five don't say good-bye. After all, the two together in so long, divided he also will be sad, but he is more sensible, don't want to tie you or him tomorrow. Good, later, or a friend.

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