逍遥学能 2010-05-20 00:31
例如,有人曾请两个人用英文表达同一内容:“今有一物,不知其数,三三数之余二;五五数之余三;七七数之余二。问物几何?”第一个人的英文表达很书面化:We have a number of things which, counted by threes, leave two; by fives, leave three; and by sevens, leave two. Find the number.
第二个人的英文表达使用了比较长的语句:We have things of which we do not know the number. If we count them by threes, they leave a remainder of two. If we count them by fives,they leave a remainder of two. If we count them by sevens, they leave a remainder of two. How many things are there?