逍遥学能 2010-05-07 21:06
第四单元 如何写推展句
There are two main reasons why I have decided to attend Bingston University next year.
① There are two main reasons why I have decided to attend Bingston University next year.② First of all, there is the question of money:Bingstonv's tuition is reasonable and I don’t even have to pay it all at once.③ This is very important, since my father is not a rich man.④ With Bingston's “deferred payment plan,” my father will be able to pay my tuition without too much difficulty.⑤The second resaon is the fine education which I feed will receive there in agriculture, my chosen field.⑥ It is a well-known fact that Bingston hires only the finest professors in its Agriculture Department.⑦ Moreover, the university reqires all agricultural students to get practical experience by working on farms in the areawhile they are still going to school.
细节: two main reasons:
理由 1—financial consideration②
a. reasonable tuition③
b. deferred payment plan④
理由 2—quality of education⑤
a. fine teachers③
b. practical experience⑦
由此可见,段落的推展依赖于支持主题句的细节(details)。推展段落的方法很多。通常每个段落以一种方法为“支配方法”( the dominant method),必要时,可运用其它一种或数种方法作为“辅助方法”( the supporting method)。上面的示范段落使用因果法(cause-and-effect)作为支配方法,分类法(division and classification)作为辅助方法。作者还运用了“重要性排列顺序”(the order of importance)作为安排细节、组织段落的手段。我们将在以下各单元逐个讨论这些方法。
Directions: Read the following paragraphs and find out what details the authors use to support their topic sentences.