take...by surprise是什么意思_take...by surprise在线翻译_双语

逍遥学能  2018-11-28 11:26

take...by surprise
take...by surprise 双语例句

1. How it happens will take you completely by surprise.

2. Surprise attack; sudden onslaught; take sb. by surprise1. surprise attack; sudden onslaught; take sb. by surprise

3. Where the British army could land safe and take the enemy by surprise.

4. My songs can make you cry, take you by surprise

5. At this time of year, a flood would take everyone by surprise.

6. You expect it from Beijing and Shanghai but the size of the other cities can take you by surprise.

7. It may well take you by surprise.

8. The important point is that aesthetic inquiry into a curriculum problem must leave us free to respond to qualities that may take us by surprise.

9. Misplaced modifiers修饰语错置: 1.A flood at this time of year would take everyone by surprise.

10. This has been said and argued again. I'm gonna repeat it, because you seem a bit dumb, my friend. Yes, that's the way it's gonna be because experienced sceners don't want Sony to take the upper hand just before releasing the Go. This way, I'm sure those FW are already cracked but this is kept secret so Sony cannot know it. Hoping PSPGo will be taken by surprise and quickly hacked if it uses a similar OFW than those available right now.
这个问题已经说过也争论过很多次了因为我们不想让sony在发布PSP go的时候占得先机我敢肯定,目前的这些官方固件,早就已经破解了,但是骇客们会保持沉默,因此SONY不会有任何的警惕这样的话,当PSP go发布的时候,大家很快就会得到一个惊喜:PSP go破解了!

11. Sudden trips will take you by surprise.

12. When you`re successful with the runaround forehand, you can catch your opponent by surprise and get a short ball out of it, so you must learn how to move up and take advantage of this by hitting the next forehand with direction and purpose.

13. But it's a deed to be reserved for a forlorn hope; I'd not take Linton by surprise with it.

14. If the birds have not flown for three years, they will soar into the clouds. If they have not sung for three years, their songs will take everyone by surprise.

15. You know he really tried to take me, Down by surprise

take...by surprise的意思

16. The adder will attack only if it feels threatened, as can happen if you take it by surprise and step on it accidentally, or if you try to catch it or pick it up, which it dislikes intensely.

take...by surprise

17. Sparrowhawks can take you by surprise, but by understanding their tactics, you can predict their next move.

18. In order to attack the camp of the Jews and take them by surprise.

19. Then again it would sweep along diagonally, as if to take everything by surprise, breaking branches, carrying off roof-tiles and snapping electric wires.

20. Take by surprise [storm] Hurricanes never find people prepared.

take...by surprise 单语例句

1. After Howard sought his permission to take his pictures, the man took Howard by surprise.

2. The speed and significance of China's rise continues to take both China and the outside world by surprise.

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