tip the scales at是什么意思_tip the scales at在线翻译_双语例

逍遥学能  2018-11-15 15:34

tip the scales at
tip the scales at 基本解释称起来重量为;
tip the scales at 网络解释

1. 称起来重量为:tin can 马口铁罐头 | tip the scales at 称起来重量为 | tissue fluid 组织液

tip the scales at 双语例句

1. Bonny babies who tip the scales at close to nine pounds when they are born run a greater risk of cancer in later life, according to new research.

2. The new Rolls-Royce model will also have a 5, 400 mm wheelbase and tip the scales at over 5, 000 lbs.

3. While Pacquiao had to train on protein shakes just to tip the scales at 142 pounds.
帕奎奥通过训练以及补充蛋 *** ,才勉强达到142磅。

4. With four-wheel independent and StabiliTrak stability control standard, the Camaro will tip the scales at about 3, 700 pounds, but is said to have a near ideal 52/48 weight distribution.

5. On the other hand, if you like to travel light and don't feel like lugging two or three pounds (1 to 1.3 Kg) of camera gear round your neck then look for one of the new generation of ultra compact lightweight DSLRs - some of which tip the scales at not much more than 20 oz/0.5 Kg with a small lens.
另一方面,如果你喜欢轻装上阵,不想挂2~3磅(1~1.3公斤)的相机在脖子上,那么可以去找一款新一代的轻便DSLR?它们镜头很小,重量不会超过20 oz/0.5Kg。

tip the scales at的近义词

6. The Veritas RS III will tip the scales at just under 2, 400 pounds and is made up of a tubular frame and a carbon/Kevlar body.

7. Previously, the smallest known black hole would weigh about 6.3 times as much as the Sun, and some black holes tip the scales at millions or even billions of times that of our Sun.
更加准确的办法是通过黑洞的外观大小和其周围圆盘气体流所释放的 X 射线的相关性,天文学家能更加准确给黑洞称重。

8. The biggest can tip the scales at up to 18 kilograms (roughly 40 pounds). That's about as much as a 4-year-old boy.

9. The fighters are paired at a weigh-in, complicated by the fact that contenders never tip the scales at more than a gram.

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