逍遥学能 2018-10-27 16:43
Kids are frequently taught that seven continents exist: Africa, Asia, Antarctica, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.孩子们经常被教导世界存在7大洲:非洲、亚洲、南极洲、大洋洲、欧洲、北美洲和南美洲。
Geologists, who look at the rocks (and tend to ignore the humans), group Europe and Asia into a supercontinent — Eurasia — making for a total of six geologic continents.地质学家们观察岩石(往往忽略了人类),将欧洲和亚洲合在一起称为“欧亚大陆”,从而全球存在的地质板块一共有6个。But according to a new study of Earth’s crust, there’s a seventh geologic continent called "Zealandia," and it has been hiding under our figurative noses for millennia.但是根据对地壳的一项新研究显示,地球上存在第七个地质板块“西兰蒂亚(Zealandia)”,几千年来它一直就藏在我们眼皮子底下。The 11 researchers behind the study say that New Zealand and New Caledonia aren’t merely island chains. Instead, they’re both part of a single, 4.9 million-square-kilometer (1.89 million-square-mile) slab of continental crust that’s distinct from Australia.据参与该项研究的11名研究人员表示称,新西兰和新喀里多尼亚不仅仅只是岛屿链。它们是一个和大洋洲分离的、面积达490万平方公里(约合189万平方英里)大陆板块的一部分。"This is not a sudden discovery, but a gradual realization; as recently as 10 years ago we would not have had the accumulated data or confidence in interpretation to write this paper," the researchers wrote in GSA Today, a journal of the Geological Society of America.研究人员们在美国地质协会杂志《GSA Today》上写道称:“这并不是一个突然的发现,而是一个渐进的过程。2019年前我们没有积累到这么多数据,没有信心写这篇论文。”Ten of the researchers work for institutions within the new continent; one works for a university in Australia. But other geologists are almost certain to accept the team’s continent-sized conclusions, says Bruce Luyendyk, a geophysicist at the University of California at Santa Barbara, who wasn’t involved in the study.在全部研究人员中,有10人在这块新大陆内的机构工作,另外一人在澳大利亚某大学任职。但是据加州大学圣芭芭拉分校地球物理学家布鲁斯(他并没有参与这项研究)表示称,其他地质学家都几乎肯定接受这项结论。"These people here are A-list earth scientists," Luyendyk told Business Insider. "I think they’ve put together a solid collection of evidence that’s really thorough. I don’t see that there’s going to be a lot of pushback, except maybe around the edges."布鲁斯对科技博客Business Insider表示称:“参与这项研究的人都是一流的地球科学家。我认为他们真正彻底地收集了大量的证据。我不认为这项结论会受到太大的阻力,除了也许板块的边界有点问题。”
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