
逍遥学能  2018-10-17 11:19


12. Some are coloured with somber tans and ochre, and others rival the most ostentatious of butterflies with gaudy green, red, and yellow markings.
有些颜色与somber秘鲁和ochre ,和其他的竞争对手,最炫耀的蝴蝶与gaudy绿色,红色,黄色标记。

13. The same competitive shoppers who used to vie for the most lavish and ostentatious items are now trying to outdo each other with their thriftiness.

14. Whose skill is the most ostentatious?


15. Conceived by Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld and architect Zaha Hadid, the exhibition of works by 20 artists including Daniel Buren, Yoko Ono, and Wim Delvoye, and installed in a handbag-inspired, pod-like structure designed by Hadid, was widely considered one of the most ambitious, if not ostentatious, collaborations between the worlds of art and fashion.
所设想的香奈儿设计师卡尔拉格斐和建筑师扎哈哈迪德,展览的作品包括20艺术家丹尼尔布伦,大野洋子和维姆Delvoye ,并安装在一个手袋的灵感,豆荚状结构哈迪德设计的,被广泛认为是最有雄心的,如果不是炫耀,合作关系是世界上的艺术和时装。

16. They are not ostentatious and there's often a play of light and joyful pure colours.

17. Catering to Zhu's interest, Zhang steered clear of any depiction of ostentatious monuments, preferring simple and unembellished landscape as his choice of subject.


18. I have a strong presence however more of a noble presence than an ostentatious one.

19. The night nurse made her way down through what was technically her employer's house, an ugly, ostentatious one

20. Who sticks out in the band for his showy style, is still Bill Kaulitz, who has wanted to dress appropriately for a tour as ostentatious as this one.
乐队里谁对自己吸睛的造型最坚持,仍然是BILL KAULITZ,,他希望恰当地配合巡演主题,这一次就来了个彻底夸张。

ostentatious 词典解释

1. 豪华的;浮华的;铺张的
If you describe something as ostentatious, you disapprove of it because it is expensive and is intended to impress people.

e.g. ...his house, which, however elaborate, is less ostentatious than the preserves of other Dallas tycoons.
e.g. ...an ostentatious wedding reception.

2. (人)炫耀的,夸示的,卖弄的
If you describe someone as ostentatious, you disapprove of them because they want to impress people with their wealth or importance.

e.g. Obviously he had plenty of money and was generous in its use without being ostentatious...
e.g. She's got a lovely way with language without ever sounding ostentatious.

Her servants were similarly, if less ostentatiously attired.

3. (动作或行为)招摇的,显眼的,引人注目的
You can describe an action or behaviour as ostentatious when it is done in an exaggerated way to attract people's attention.

e.g. His wife was fairly quiet but she is not an ostentatious person anyway.

Harry stopped under a street lamp and ostentatiously began inspecting the contents of his bag.
ostentatious 单语例句

1. Government departments and officials at all levels should firmly stick to the provisions and fulfill their tasks without ostentatious displays of their status.

2. Some local authorities like to build ostentatious projects in order to make a good impression or show their achievements.

3. ostentatious的解释

3. He criticized some local authorities which like to build ostentatious projects in order to make a good impression or show their achievements.

4. ostentatious

4. But if you are expecting ostentatious handicraft products, you'll be disappointed.

5. The girl later denied that she was trying to be ostentatious and said she published the photos online out of sheer vanity.

6. It is rich people's ostentatious displays of their wealth that are the real problem, as people naturally want to keep up with the Joneses.

7. Ambitious officials who want to climb the political ladder fast always plan ostentatious projects such as a " charitable city ".

8. Ostentatious displays of wealth by the rich can result in public criticism and hatred toward wealthy people as a whole.

9. They are also telling their local counterparts that there is no need to focus on the ostentatious and symbolic.

10. Banning the current batch of ostentatious adjectives would not achieve the desired effect either.

ostentatious 英英释义



1. intended to attract notice and impress others

e.g. an ostentatious sable coat

Synonym: pretentious

2. (of a display) tawdry or vulgar

Synonym: pretentious

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